Vodka Tourney
Judge: Andrey Selivanov (Russia)

Selfmates in 3 to 7 moves with model mate(s).

24 problems were received from 16 composers, representing 11 countries.

Petko Petkov
Pr Vodka Ty
Eretria 2005
Waldemar Tura
Pr Vodka Ty
Eretria 2005
Aleksandr Azhusin
Pr Vodka Ty
Eretria 2005

Prize: Petko Petkov (Bulgaria)
1.Se1! (zz)
1...axb2 2.Ke5+! Kxc3 3.Lb4+ Dxb4 4.Dd4+ Dxd4#
1...Dxa2 2.Kf3+! Kd5 3.c4+ Dxc4 4.De4+ Dxe4#
White king battery. Chameleon-echo model mates.

Prize: Waldemar Tura (Poland)
1.Lb6? Sc3!
1.La7! (zz)
1...Sc3 2.Kf5+! Se4 3.Tg4 Kd5 4.Sb6+ Kd4 5.Dd8+ Td6 6.Df6+ Txf6#
1...Sc1 / Sb4 2.d3+ Sxd3 3.Kg5+! Sf4 4.Lf1+ Kd5 5.c4+ Ke4 6.Dg6+ Txg6#
Black aristocrat. White king battery play. Chameleon-echo model mates.

Prize: Aleksandr Azhusin (Russia)
1.Lc5! (zz)
1...b4 2.Kh4! La7 3.Sg5+ Kf2 4.Lxd4+ Lxd4 5.Txf7+ Lf6 6.Dh2+ Txh2#
1...La7 2.Lxa7 b4 3.Lb6 cxb6 4.Kh5! b5 5.Dh3+ Tg3 6.g5 Txh3#
White king play. Chameleon-echo model mates.

Ladislav Salai Jr.
Emil Klemanič

Pr Vodka Ty
Eretria 2005
Diyan Kostadinov
Pr Vodka Ty
Eretria 2005
Michel Caillaud
Sp Pr Vodka Ty
Eretria 2005

Prize: Ladislav Salai Jr. & Emil Klemanič (Slovakia)
1.Db7! (zz)
1...Txg8 2.Sg4+ Kf5 3.Le4+ Lxe4 4.Se3+ Ke5 5.Ld4+ Kd6 6.Td8+ Txd8#
1...Lxg2 2.Ld4+ Kd6 3.Tgd8+ Txd8 4.Lc5+ Ke5 5.Sg4+ Kf5 6.Df3+ Lxf3#
Two model mates with interesting play.

Prize: Diyan Kostadinov (Bulgaria)
1.d4! (2.Te6+ g6 3.Sed3+ Kf3 4.Se1+ Dxe1#)
1...Da3 / Db2 2.Tg4+ g6 3.Se2+ Kd5 4.Sc3+ Dxc3#
1...exf2 2.Te6+ g6 3.Sc4+ Kf3 4.Sd2+ Dxd2#
Three model mates. Zabunov theme.

Special Prize: Michel Caillaud (France)
Set: 1...a4 2.a8=T! a3 3.Tb8 a2 4.Sd7! Kf3 5.Lh5+ Ke4 6.Sc5+ Txc5#
1.Kc7! a4 2.Kb6 a3 3.Ka6 a2 4.Sf7! Kf3 5.Dd1+ Ke4 6.Sd6+ Txd6#
Fata Morgana. Echo mates.

Indrek Aunver
HM Vodka Ty
Eretria 2005
Mark Erenburg
HM Vodka Ty
Eretria 2005
Anatoly Styopochkin
HM Vodka Ty
Eretria 2005

Honourable Mention: Indrek Aunver (Estonia)
1.Sh6! (zz)
1...h4 2.Sg8! hxg3 3.Sxe7+ Lxe7 4.Dg5+ Lxg5#
1...gxh6 2.Lh4! Lg7 3.c4+! bxc3 e.p. 4.Td4+ Lxd4#
Echo mates.

Honourable Mention: Mark Erenburg (Israel)
1...Kd3 2.Se1+ Kd4 3.Td2+ Kc5 4.Se4+ Kb5 5.Td5+ Sxd5#
1...Kc1 2.Se2+ Lxe2+ 3.Ke5+ Tf4 4.Tc6+ Lc4 5.Txc7 Lxc7#
Two model mates.

Honourable Mention: Anatoly Styopochkin (Russia)
1.b8=S! (zz)
1...Dxb5 2.Sb6+ Dxb6 3.Lb3+ Dxb3 4.Td1+ Dxd1#
1...h2 2.Dd3+ Dd4 3.Df3+ De4 4.e3 Dxf3#
Two model mates.

Leonid Makaronez
Leonid Lyubashevsky

HM Vodka Ty
Eretria 2005
Anatoly Styopochkin
HM Vodka Ty
Eretria 2005
Josef Kupper
Comm Vodka Ty
Eretria 2005

Honourable Mention: Leonid Makaronez & Leonid Lyubashevsky (Russia)
1.Tb7! (2.Sxe4+! Kxe4 3.Db4+ Ld4 4.Tb6 axb6#)
1...e3 2.Se2+! Ke4 3.Dd4+ Lxd4 4.Sc3+ Lxc3#
1...Lxg5 2.Sd5+! Kc5 3.Sc7+ Kd6 4.Dd2+ Lxd2#
1...Le5 2.Dd2+ Kc5 3.Tb6! e3 4.fxe3 axb6#
Three model mates.

Honourable Mention: Anatoly Styopochkin (Russia)
1.Sa4! (zz)
1...axb1=S 2.Df2+ Ke6 3.e8=D+ Kd5 4.Sc3+ Sxc3#
1...axb1=L 2.Se3+ Ke6 3.e8=T+ Kd7 4.Dd3+ Lxd3#
Two model mates. AUW.

Commendation: Josef Kupper (Switzerland)
1.Td6+ Txd6 2.h8=S+ Kf6 3.Df7+ Ke5 4.Sg6+ Txg6 5.Sf5+ Tb2 6.Dd5+ Kf6 7.Kf3! g4#