3rd Romanian Tzuica Tourney
Judges: Vlaicu Crisan & Éric Huber (Romania)

Help-selfmates (hs#n) with Zilahi theme. All fairy conditions and pieces are allowed.

In a help-selfmate problem in "n" moves (denoted hs#n), White starts and Black collaborates with White in order to reach a position of s#1 (selfmate in one move) at move "n" (the last move). In other words, as per the FIDE Album definition, White moves first and is mated. Black helps until his final move, which must be forced, as in a selfmate.

Zilahi theme: In each of at least two phases, the mating unit of one phase is captured in the other phase. Cyclic permutation of mating and captured units is allowed.

Vlaicu Crisan & Éric Huber
Original - Eretria 2005
Vlaicu Crisan & Éric Huber
Original - Eretria 2005
Éric Huber & Vlaicu Crisan
Springaren 2005
Dedicated to Bo Lindgren

Example I (Vlaicu Crisan & Éric Huber)
i) 1.Dxh5 Dxb7 2.Dh4+ Txh4#
ii) 1.Dxe4 Dxh8 2.Df3+ Lxf3#
The front piece of the black battery of each solution is captured in the first move in the other solution.

Example II (Vlaicu Crisan & Éric Huber)
i) 1.Sf3 Txb2 2.Lxb4+ Txb4# (try: 1.Sf3 Lxe1? 2.Txf2? ??)
ii) 1.Sb3 Lxe1 2.Txf2+ Lxf2# (try: 1.Sb3 Txb2? 2.Lxb4+? ??)
Reciprocal captures of the thematic pieces (Lb4 / Tf2) in Zilahi. The black units are captured in the second move. Mirror mates.

Example III (Éric Huber & Vlaicu Crisan)
i) 1.Kb1 bxa2+ 2.Kxa2 c3 3.Ta1 cxd2 4.c4 d1=D 5.b3+ Dxb3#
ii) 1.b5 bxa2 2.b3+ Kxa3 3.bxc4 a1=T+ 4.Sb1+ Ka2 5.Td2 Txb1#
The thematic units (black pawns b3 / c4) promote in order to deliver mate.

A record number of 42 problems by 29 composers from 14 countries have taken part in this tourney. This year's success is due to the popularity of the Zilahi theme. The judging criteria were mainly the originality of the Zilahi mechanism, the additional motivations and also the technical quality of the problem. The level of the tourney proved quite high, which explains why a fair proportion of the entries can be found in this award. Non-awarded entries were eliminated for defects such as fictitious strategy, lack of economy, poor thematic content or just because of the presence of better quality problems. There were so many problems that we had to divide our award in two sections with almost the same number of entries: 1. Zilahi with battery play and 2. non-battery Zilahi.

A theoretical remark to start with: in helpmates, when a battery mates, the mating piece is considered the rear piece of the battery. Therefore, the genuine Zilahi theme is achieved when the rear piece is captured. When the front piece is captured, it is called "pseudo Zilahi". We decided to consider both possibilities as thematic for this tourney.

1st Section: Zilahi with battery play

Petko Petkov
1 Pr Tzuica Ty - Section 1
Eretria 2005
Petko Petkov
2 Pr Tzuica Ty - Section 1
Eretria 2005
René J. Millour
3 Pr Tzuica Ty - Section 1
Eretria 2005
b) Sb7<=>Tg8 Anticirce

1st Prize: Petko Petkov (Bulgaria)
i) 1.Dd4(=bD)! e1=S(=wS)! 2.Sc2(=bS) d1=D(=wD) 3.Dxd4+ Sxd4#
ii) 1.Se4(=bS)! d1=L(=wL)! 2.Lc2(=bL) e1=T(=wT) 3.Txe4+ Lxe4#
There is a lot to admire in this problem: Zilahi is combined with AUW, full transformation of black half-battery, sacrifices of white D/S and change of functions by White and Black. The Anti-Andernach condition (a piece moving without capturing changes color, a capturing piece preserves its color) is ingeniously used in order to show reciprocal captures of the thematic black pawns – a highly original interpretation of the required theme.

2nd Prize: Petko Petkov (Bulgaria)
i) 1.Dxd6! A Td4 2.Df4! B Td6 3.Dd2+ Lxd2#
ii) 1.Dxf4! B Nh8 2.Dd6! A Nf4 3.Db6+ Nxb6#
In the first two moves the white Queen plays alternatively on the squares occupied by the thematic black pieces: the first move is a capture, the second one is a Pelle move. Black in turn in his second move also plays a Umnov move, unpinning the white Queen, which sacrifices itself in the third move. This rendering of the "Dentist" theme is an extra addition for this already remarkable problem.

3rd Prize: René J. Millour (France)
a) 1.h8=D cxb1T(Ta8) 2.Dh2 Txb8(Th8) 3.d8=T exd1=T(Ta8) 4.Txd6(Ta1)+ Te1#
1.h8=T? cxb1=T(Ta8) Th2 Txb8(Th8) d8=T exd1=T(Ta8) 4.Txd6(Ta1)+ Kf2!! or
1.h8=T? cxb1=D(Dd8) 2.Th2 Dc7 3.d8=D exd1=L(Lc8) 4.Dxe7(Dd1)+ Txd1(Ta8)+ 5.Txf8(Ta1)!
b) 1.h8=T cxb1=D(Dd8) 2.Th2 Dc7 3.d8=D exd1=L(Lc8) 4.Dxe7(Dd1)+ Txd1(Ta8)#
1.h8=D? cxb1=D(Dd8) 2.Dh2 Dc7 3.d8=D exd1=L(Lc8) 4.Dxe7(Dd1)+ Kf2/g2! or 3.d8=T exd1=T(Ta8) 4.Txd6(Ta1)+ Dc1!
or 1.Sc6? Kf2 2.Sa5 cxd1=L(Lc8) 3.dxc8=D(Dd1) Te8 4.Dg1+ Td1+ 5.Te7!
The Zilahi theme is somewhat diluted by the impressive task of four changed promotions in a perfect twin presentation with thematic tries. An outstanding cerebral achievement, typical for this author's style!

Petko Petkov
1 HM Tzuica Ty - Section 1
Eretria 2005
Emil Klemanič
Ladislav Salai Jr.
2 HM Tzuica Ty - Section 1
Eretria 2005
Dieter Müller
Franz Pachl
3 HM Tzuica Ty - Section 1
Eretria 2005
b) Lg5=>d8
c) Se5=>g7

1st Honourable Mention: Petko Petkov (Bulgaria)
a) 1.Sf7(=bS)! Dd3(=wD)! 2.Kf5 Nxd3 3.Dxf7+ Nxf7#
b) 1.Sf3(=bS)! Ld3(=wL)! 2.Kh5 Dxd3 3.Dxf3+ Dxf3#
c) 1.Sf5(=bS)! Nd3(=wN)! 2.Kh3 Lxd3 3.Dxf5+ Lxf5#
For the first time is realized a cyclic "Black Zilahi" on d3 with cyclic "Novotny" and creation of black batteries: N/L, D/N, L/D and cyclic line closing D/L, L/N, N/D; unpinning of the white queen with line opening by the black Ne8, white sacrificial key-moves with change of colors, double black triple cycle on d3. This "black cannibal Zilahi" in Anti-Andernach is definitely an interesting idea.

2nd Honourable Mention: Emil Klemanič & Ladislav Salai Jr. (Slovakia)
i) 1.Lxe2 Sg5 2.Kxc5 Th5 3.Lg4+ Se6#
ii) 1.Txh3 Sb3 2.Kxe6 Da2 3.Tc3+ Sc5#
Excellent ODT with w/b switchbacks in the last move.

3rd Honourable Mention: Dieter Müller & Franz Pachl (Germany)
i) 1.Ta5 Tc7 2.Lb5 Tc2 3.Dxd3 Sxd3#
ii) 1.Lg8 Lc7 2.Tf7 La5 3.Dxf4+ Sxf4#
Beautiful critical white moves in a masterful ODT setting. However, the black strategy is rather poor.

František Sabol
1 Com Tzuica Ty - Section 1
Eretria 2005
Viktor Zaitsev
Aleksandr Bulavka
2 Com Tzuica Ty - Section 1
Eretria 2005
Menachem Witztum
3 Com Tzuica Ty - Section 1 Eretria 2005
b) wTb2

1st Commendation: František Sabol (Czech Republic)
i) 1.Dc6! Da6[d8]xf8 2.Sd1[b1]xd2+ 2.Sg5[b8]xc6#
ii) 1.Tb7! Td2[h8]xf8 2.Lh1[f1]xa6+ 2.Lh5[c8]xb7#
White rear battery pieces move to a square where they can be captured by black front battery pieces – typical Mars Circe play.

2nd Commendation: Viktor Zaitsev & Aleksandr Bulavka (Belarus)
a) 1.Lxa3 Tb2 2.Lxc5 Da1 3.Lf2+ Txf2#
b) 1.Txc2 Lb6 2.Txc1 Ta6 3.Tc4+ Ld4#
Again a Zilahi and pseudo Zilahi blend as shown in the 2nd HM, but less impressive.

3rd Commendation: Menachem Witztum (Israel)
i) 1.Dxd6 Sg4 2.Dc7+ Sxc7#
ii) 1.Dxe6 Lg3 2.De8+ Sxe8#
iii) 1.Dxf6 Sg5 2.Df8+ Lxf8#
The most economical presentation of a cyclic Zilahi.

2nd Section: non-battery Zilahi

Michel Caillaud
1 Pr Tzuica Ty - Section 2
Eretria 2005
Štefan Sovík
2 Pr Tzuica Ty - Section 2
Eretria 2005
Michal Dragoun
1 HM Tzuica Ty - Section 2
Eretria 2005
b) bLg1

1st Prize: Michel Caillaud (France)
i) 1...a1=D 2.Td6 Da2 3.Lc6 Dxd5+ 4.Kxd5 b1=L 5.Lc5 La2#
ii) 1...b1=T 2.Lc3 Tb4 3.Ld3 Txd4 4.Kxd4 a1=S 5.Tc4 Sb3#
A splendid AUW based on zugzwang mates. The setting is similar to 2nd Prize, Tzuica Tourney 2004, but the Kniest sacrifice of the black thematic piece adds a significant value to this theme. A clear 1st prizewinner!

2nd Prize: Štefan Sovík (Slovakia)
i) 1.fxg7 Tf6 2.Kxf6 Lxh6 3.Dg5+ Lxg5#
ii) 1.Sxf4 Sxe6 2.Kxe6 exd3 3.De5+ Txe5#
iii) 1.Dxf5 Lxd6 2.Kxd6 gxf5 3.Sxf5+ Sxf5#
Undoubtedly this is the most ambitious problem of the tourney: a two-fold cyclic Zilahi in a somewhat clumsy position. The best technical performance in this tourney!

1st Honourable Mention: Michal Dragoun (Czech Republic)
a) 1.Td4 Se4 (Sf~?) 2.Kxd5 Te1 3.Df6+ Sxf6#
b) 1.Lg5 Sf4 (Sd~?) 2.Kxf6 Lh2 3.Dd5+ Sxd5#
Very clever preventive interferences of the black T/L by the thematic knights. A subtle and graceful presentation with two extra Umnovs as a nice enhancement to the main Zilahi treat.

bernd ellinghoven
Hans Peter Rehm
2 HM Tzuica Ty - Section 2
Eretria 2005
Mark Erenburg
3 HM Tzuica Ty - Section 2
Eretria 2005
Christopher J.A. Jones
1 Com Tzuica Ty - Section 2
Eretria 2005
b) pb7=>b6
b) Ta1=>b1
b) pf6=>e7

2nd Honourable Mention: bernd ellinghoven & Hans Peter Rehm (Germany)
a) 1...Ta8! 2.Lb8 Le8!! 3.Kxe8 bxa6 4.Te7 Txb8#
b) 1...La4! 2.Tb5 Te8+!! 3.Kxe8 bxa5 4.Le7 Lxb5#
Mates are forced by putting Black in zugzwang – a difficult idea, embellished by a typical helpmate theme (Maslar). A very enjoyable composition!

3rd Honourable Mention: Mark Erenburg (Israel)
a) 1.Dxb4 Dc3 2.Dxa3 Dg7! 3.Db2+ Dxb2#
b) 1.Dxc1 Tb8 2.Dxa3 Tg8! 3.Da8+ Txa8#
A very light and elegant position, with beautiful long hideaways of the black thematic pieces. A real gem.

1st Commendation: Christopher J.A. Jones (Great Britain)
a) 1.Txg7 Sxa3 2.Txa3 Dxg7 3.Dc4+ Dxc4#
b) 1.Txe8 Lxh3+ 2.Txh3 Dxe8 3.Dd4+ Sxd4#
Active sacrifices by both sides, with nice exchange of rooks' functions.

Emanuel Navon
2 Com Tzuica Ty - Section 2
Eretria 2005
Milivoj S. Nesic
3 Com Tzuica Ty - Section 2
Eretria 2005
Igor Vereshchagin
Sp Com Tzuica Ty - Section 2
Eretria 2005
b) ph7<=>pe6

2nd Commendation: Emanuel Navon (Israel)
i) 1...Th5 2.Dxg3 Dh2 3.Dc7+ Dxc7#
ii) 1...Te5 2.Dxd2 Le1 3.Dxb4+ Lxb4#
Delightful black ambushes.

3rd Commendation: Milivoj S. Nesic (Serbia & Montenegro)
i) 1.Dxd2 Lf3 2.Dd5+ Lxd5#
ii) 1.Dxe2 Sd3 2.De5+ Sxe5#
iii) 1.Dxf2 Td5 2.Df5+ Txf5#
The attempt to show a cyclic Zilahi with minimal white forces deserves recognition.

Special Commendation: Igor Vereshchagin (Russia)
a) 1.Kg6 g4 2.Lxh8 g3 3.Kg7 gxf2 4.Kg8 f1=D 5.Tf8+ Dxf8#
b) A Posteriori: 1.hxg6 e.p. h3 2.Lxe7 h2 3.Lxg5 h1=D 4.Txb7 Dxb7 5.Kf6 0-0#
(Black must castle to prove that the first move is possible)
The most intriguing entry of the tourney! The Zilahi theme is quite secondary to the Valladao task. "A posteriori" castling subordination to en-passant capture shown for the first time in the help-selfmate field.